The Green and Blue Economy Program of Forever Costa Rica aims to reduce the loss of marine and terrestrial biodiversity by promoting sustainable livelihoods and empowering partnerships between local communities and the productive, private, and governmental sectors.

This Program is composed of several projects, such as the I Debt for Nature Swap between the United States and Costa Rica (of which we are administrators), the Gente project , and the project Driving the local economy through conservation in La Cruz, Guanacaste and Community foundation support project.

Also, in this program we administered the special climate change project for the French Development Agency (AFD) for the period 2021-2022.

Strategic pillars

Sustainable business: seed capital, training, incubation, acceleration, financing schemes.

Technological transformation: adoption of sustainable productive technologies and nature-based solutions.


Local markets: linking local supply chains to promote low-emission development and use of ecosystem services.

What is green economy?

Green economy leads to human well-being, social equity, and the reduction of environmental impacts. Examples include investments in the sustainability of natural resources, ecosystems, and biodiversity; agriculture; tourism; energy efficiency; renewable energy; green bonds, among others.

What is blue economy?

Kayak cruzando un manglar
Photo: Steven Lara.

Blue economy comprises economic activities that use and manage marine, coastal or river resources in a sustainable manner.

Examples of blue economy include investments that seek sustainability in fishing, fish farming, tourism, energy, biotechnology, marine ecosystem conservation, and blue carbon, among others.

Projects of Blue and Green Economy